Sunday, 20 July 2014

Planning for a baby!

This is the hardest thing to do, like learning to read and write all over again. You have no idea what you will need for a baby. A cot is an obvious essential but what people don't tell you is other little things, which I have come across from a light spot of googling! i still have a list as long as my arm of bits and pieces i need!!  here are some pictures from the journey so far of the small things we have purchased and the cutest little polo shirt! As my fiancée mainly just wears polo shirts its a like father like son thing!

 Babys first picture!!

Can you imagine anything being small enough to bathe in this??

Beautiful storage options bought for us by my fiancées sister.

Straight from my auntie in Canada before we knew the gender!

Tiny polo shirt

If you would like to know where I got some of these please just leave me a comment or message me on one of my many social media's!!

Kelsie x

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