Bath Time has gone through phases of being dreaded and the best time in this house. Currently we are in the phase of it being the best time.
Bath time is a huge part of our routine in this house. However, with Fletcher's terrible eczema he is limited to the number of baths he can have in a week, currently he has a bath on Mondays, Wednesday and Friday. sometimes though, they just don't get done on those set dates. Routine is big though, Fletcher knows once he is out of his bath that it is then cream time (again for his eczema) and then pyjama and bed time.
We have a few toys for the bath, However not a lot. Speaking to my step sister she once told me her son only had a cup for the bath and he loved that, so tats kind of what we went with.
As Fletcher does suffer with eczema it means he has bath oil in his bath too. this means his toys etc can keep the moisture on then and if your not careful will grown mold (vomming in mouth) not what you want your child bathing in. Like seriously people should check the insides of rubber ducks.. its gross. Anyway, this is why fletcher doesn't have many bath toys but i also think the fewer there are the calmer he is.
Fletch has hated the bath before, screamed his head off and generally not wanted to be there. i tried to changing a lot of factors until we got it right for him.
what are you bath time routines or tips?
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