Friday, 1 August 2014

Whats in my bag??

I feel like I do not actually keep that much in my bag, and I am always forgetting my sunglasses anyway. But my absolute staples are definitely my iPhone 5c, my beautiful Chanel purse that I got for my 18 th birthday (that was a long time ago now) and generally my house keys (which are currently in the door of my house). Since I have been pregnant I always have a bottle of water on me, being hydrated is essential now, I even have it by my bed at night, despite the amount of times I know I will have to get up and wee in the night now! I got the gorgeous owl compact mirror from my fiancées parents as a gift for something a couple of years ago. its so handy, especially as I have been obsessed with the Revlon colour burst Lacquer balm at the moment, makes reapplying easy peasy! I have a notebook because well you never know! plus I picked it up the other day from paper chase and I actually love it. 
I always have headphones in my bag, generally because you never know, and there are times when I get sick of my fiancées music in the car (always the same cd's!!) so I can just tune into my own little world especially as we always seem to take such long journeys!

I have actually had this bag just over a year (christ is that too long, should I update now? have I done a fashion crime??) I actually love this though, I got it from Primark in Bristol, bargain and practical. Its huge and fits everything and more into it. meaning that when brad and I were travelling a lot last year it could literally fit everything I needed in it (spare underwear anyone?) I also loved the design, its very 'me', and well its still going strong, no rips tears or any sign or over usage as yet! maybe I should look into a new bag though! 

What do you keep in your bag? do you have more stuff than me? less stuff? anything completely different and out there? anything I should start keeping in my bag? let me know.

Kelsie x


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! i've had it for so long now but still smells nice and leathery! haha x


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