Friday, 26 September 2014

What's In My Hospital Bag? Baby Edition

As I said in my previous post a couple of days ago, I was splitting these into two posts, otherwise I think it would be ridiculously long. This is what I am packing for my baby boy! Again I must apologise for the poor quality of my pictures I must have been very tired that day! 
All of this is so cute and blue, I am so excited for him to arrive already! 

  1. Baby blanket and swaddle cloths - To wrap him up in and bring him home in. The blanket was actually hand knitted by Brad's auntie which I absolutely adore. 
  2. Baby wipes - Kind of obvious this one, however, I do know that some hospitals don't allow you to use baby wipes and prefer cotton wool and water
  3. Booties and scratch mittens- Baby essentials shall i say. The shoes were actually a gift, and I believe we picked up some mittens from mamas and papas.
  4. Sleep suits and bibs- Again gifts but these are pretty plain and standard though!
  5. Hats - The woollen one was again a knitted gift from Brad's auntie. I adore this so much its so cute and with our Snowboarding background is just perfect! The other hat I got here as part of a set. 
  6. Cotton Wool - In case baby wipes are not allowed!
  7. Muslin clothes - for sicky times, burps etc.. 
  8. Socks- These are so cute and small. I found these ones on Mamas and Papas website (adorable)
  9. Cardigan - Knitted again by Brad's aunt
  10. Toy - a gift from my sister, when I initially found out I was pregnant

I have also packed new born nappies, but you don't really need to see that. I'm so fully excited for his arrival now. I'm dreading the labour pain (trying not to other think that) but I really really want to be skinny again now! 


Kelsie x

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