Monday, 29 September 2014
Pregnancy Update #5 - 35 Weeks
How far along? 35 weeks. 37 more days until my due date!
Maternity clothes? Yep, mostly just living in leggings when I am at home, just comfort and I am constantly hot
Stretch Marks? Yes, trying to keep them at bay though!
Sleep? Surprisingly well, finding it harder and harder to fall asleep but once I am there pretty much down for the whole night
Best moment this week? Catching up with friends and Brad's parents. Buying ourselves a new fridge freezer. Also my lounge finally feels pretty much complete after picking up some of Brad's stuff from his parents house.
Miss Anything? Alcohol. just alcohol at the moment. Also wearing normal clothes and seeing my foof when I look down.
Movement? Lots, can feel him stretching out a lot. Its like having a little alien in your stomach
Food Cravings? Chocolate still. Bananas also at the moment.
Anything making you feel sick/queezy? Nope, feeling fine :)
Gender? Little boy!
Symptoms? Itchy skin on my bump. Swollen fingers, can not get my engagement ring off now :( its not cutting off my circulation yet, hoping I can just leave it and it will all be alright. Get pins and needles or achy fingers a lot at the moment
Belly button in or out? IN :D
Happy or moody? Happy, very tired though
Looking forward to? New fridge freezer. Visiting my grandma. also I'm full of anticipation for wintery nights filled with fairy lights and cinnamon scented candles!
Kelsie x
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