Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Playlist : April 2017

Yay! It's here, and it has been an amazing month for new music.

This month it is primarily new music, and I am excited about that! I have chucked some oldies on to the playlist itself, but they won't be included in this post, so you'll just have to go check out the post to see what old songs I have gone back to!

SO let's start this.

1.Paramore - Hard Times
Anyone that knows me in real life knows how much of a Paramore fan I am. I've grown up with this band, been through some shit times, and well they have always been there. Well this new song was actually released today. I've had a couple of listens and well i'm already in love with it. I love it when a band progresses and doesn't always sound the same as previous albums. check it out.

2. Harry Styles - Sign of The Times
Well let's start with this beauty. I love it. I love everything about it. I mean if you haven't heard this one yet, then where have you been?? His performance on SNL was perfect. I would also like to state here, i know i sound like a massive Harry styles/ 1D fan which i wasn't, i just appreciate a wide variety of music (which is also something I have been criticised for in the past)

3. Alt - J - In Cold Blood
I'm a huge Alt- J fan. This song is a big spring/summer song for me, I'm gunna be blasting it for a while to come yet.

4.Sarah Close - Caught Up
This is a great song from the Youtuber. Her new EP is out now, named after this song too. This song i can see myself learning all the words to and singing at the top of my lungs, particularly whilst cooking

5. Royal Blood - Lights Out
The new song is here!! I really appreciate Royal Blood. The last album I bought just to put in my ex's car just so we could listen to that album from start to finish on road trips. It was amazing from that. This song does not disappoint. Listen to it HERE 

6.Lady Gaga - The Cure
OMG. I have never been that much into lady gaga. well this song has changed it for me. I mean don't get me wrong, i always appreciated her and her musical abilities. Maybe my own tastes have matured or even changed, but this song is gunna be a summer song for me too.
Listen to it HERE

So those are some of my favourites for this month. all newbies too. I'm so looking forward to the new songs that are going to come out this summer, I mean i love a good summer soundtrack.

For the full April Playlist follow it HERE

What songs have you been loving this month? let me know in the comments!




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